Handling Errors and Debugging in Sass

1. @error Directive:

The @error directive is used to raise an error and stop the Sass compilation process if a certain condition is not met. It’s helpful for catching issues early in the development process.


$primary-color: #3498db

  @if type-of($color) != color
    @error "Invalid color provided: #{$color}. Please provide a valid color."

  background-color: $primary-color

In this example, if the provided color is not valid, the Sass compilation will stop, and an error message will be displayed.

2. @debug Directive:

The @debug directive is used to print messages to the Sass output. It’s a handy tool for inspecting variable values, checking the flow of your code, and identifying issues during development.


$font-size-base: 16px

  @debug "Calculating line height for font size: #{$font-size}px"

  $line-height-ratio: 1.5
  $line-height: $font-size * $line-height-ratio

  @return $line-height

  font-size: $font-size-base
  line-height: +calculate-line-height($font-size-base)

In this example, the @debug statement will print a message to the console during Sass compilation, providing information about the font size being used and assisting in identifying any potential issues.


Add to the grid layout hacks from the basics lesson by including at least one example of @debug and @error each. Explain why these directives are useful.